The Writing Assignment That Changes Lives

Goal-setting closed achievement gaps in a recent experiment. The key element? Students put their thoughts in writing.

Sourced through from:

Intriguing research.

See on Scoop.itFairy tales, Folklore, and Myths

A Girl, A Shoe, A Prince: The Endlessly Evolving Cinderella

We take a stroll through just a little of the cultural history of Cinderella, the shoe-wearing, prince-finding, stepmother-vexing heroine who’s been around for hundreds of years — at least.


Think you know this fairy tale? Think again. There are so many different variants.

See on Scoop.itLearning, Education, and Neuroscience

Is Math a Feature of the Universe or a Feature of Human Creation? | Idea Channel | PBS – YouTube

Math is invisible. Unlike physics, chemistry, and biology we can’t see it, smell it, or even directly observe it in the universe. And so that has made a lot …


Math is extremely useful, but is it real, or is it simply a figment of the human imagination? This fast, fun, smart video is an episode of PBS’s Idea Channel. It’s also part of the 10 Unanswered Science Questions series. There’s lots of food for thought here, entertainingly introduced by host Mike Rugnetta, and this could easily be used in a classroom to spark discussion about math, science, or the philosophy of those fields.

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9 Creative Storytelling Tools That Will Make You Wish You Were A Student Again

T.H.E. Journal asked educators for the most creative storytelling apps available, and we did a little digging on our own, too. The tools and apps we found turn students into novelists, artists, and moviemakers with each tool bringing its own powerful mechanism for transforming the traditional narrative–both inside and outside the classroom…


Lots of new tools to play with!

See on Scoop.itLearning, Education, and Neuroscience

The Maker Movement and the Rebirth of Constructionism – Hybrid Pedagogy

The culmination of my quest for more powerful learning grounded in theory and research came when recently I conducted an experiment in pushing constructionism into the digital age.


Constructionism is based on two types of construction. First, it asserts that learning is an active process, in which people actively construct knowledge from their experience in the world. People don’t get ideas; they make them. This aspect of construction comes from the constructivist theory of knowledge development by Jean Piaget. To Piaget’s concept, Papert added another type of construction, arguing that people construct new knowledge with particular effectiveness when they are engaged in constructing personally meaningful products.

Imagine my surprise and joy when I realized that I had arrived at constructionism prior to knowing that such a theory even existed. I believe that thousands of other educators are unknowingly working within the constructionist paradigm as well. Although many within the Maker movement are aware that it has it’s roots in constructionism, the movement is gaining impressive momentum without the majority of Makers realizing that there is a strong theoretical foundation behind their work.


After I came to understand this connection between my practices and the supporting theoretical framework I was better able to focus and refine my practice. Even more importantly, I felt more confident and powerful in forging ahead with further experiments in the learning situations I design for my learners.



We learn by doing, so teaching should ask us to do.

See on Scoop.itLearning, Education, and Neuroscience

6 Alternative Social Media Tools for Teaching and Learning — Campus Technology

Facebook and Twitter may be ubiquitous, but there are many other social media tools out there that can enhance teaching and learning. Here, three educators share their favorites.


Students may not want to befriend their teacher on Facebook, but that doesn’t mean social media is out of the question for school assignments.

See on Scoop.itLearning, Education, and Neuroscience

Eliminate Grades, Change the Educational System

“Education is in need of some changes. If we eliminate grades, we make room for many important shifts that must occur in our current climate. It’s time to shift the mindset; teachers, throw out grades.


"Teachers, students and higher educational systems need to start valuing learning and progress over points if we want our students to be truly career and college ready."


I can’t agree more. The focus of education needs to be on learning, not on grades.

See on Scoop.itLearning, Education, and Neuroscience

How One Man Accidentally Forged An Ancient Archaeological Artifact

You’re a goldsmith, and a couple of guys approach you asking you to make a special gift for a friend. It’s a Greek-themed tiara, and they want a specific inscription. Well, what’s the worst that could happen?


Ah, the tangled webs…

See on Scoop.itEclectic Mix

How to Build a Better Learner

Brain studies suggest new ways to improve reading, writing and arithmetic—and even social skills


Fascinating article about new insights into learning.

See on Scoop.itLearning, Education, and Neuroscience

The High Cost of Neuromyths in Education

Instead of believing in the right/left brain, learning styles, and that we use only ten percent of our brains, we should focus on neuroscience research.


Those of us who work in the education field need to be aware of the science and the pseudoscience, so we can avoid perpetuating the myths.

See on Scoop.itLearning, Education, and Neuroscience

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